
Family Business Communication 101: The Do’s and Don’ts

Communication is vital for any business, but it becomes even more important when that business is a family business. In a family business, communication breakdown can lead to not only professional problems, but also personal conflict. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of the best practices for family business communication—the do’s and don’ts, if you will.

Do: Communicate openly and frequently

In a family business, there can often be a lot of unspoken tension simmering beneath the surface. This is why it’s so important to communicate openly and frequently with your family members about both the business and any personal issues that might be affecting your work. By keeping the lines of communication open, you can avoid misunderstandings and potential conflict.

Don’t: Let emotions get in the way of clear communication

When dealing with family members, it’s easy to let emotions get in the way of clear communication. But in a business setting, it’s important to keep emotions out of the equation as much as possible. If you feel yourself getting emotional during a discussion, take a step back and center yourself before continuing. This will help ensure that you’re able to communicate effectively without letting emotions cloud your judgement.

Do: Respect each other’s opinion

Even if you don’t agree with what your family member is saying, it’s important to respect their opinion. This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them, but you should at least hear them out and try to see where they’re coming from. Only through respectful dialogue can you truly understand each other’s point of view and find common ground.

Don’t: Be afraid to disagree

When you’re communicating with family members, there can be a lot of pressure to just agree with each other all the time. But in a business setting, agreement isn’t always possible—nor is it desirable. Disagreeing with each other is healthy and can lead to more productive discussion. So don’t be afraid to speak your mind, even if it means disagreeing with your family members. Just make sure that you do so in a respectful way.


The bottom line is that communication is key in any family business—the do’s and don’ts simply provide guidance on how to best go about it. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your family business runs smoothly and avoid potential conflict.

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